Sunday, April 16, 2006

Part 4! Blessed Easter!

Part 4

When you become a Christian,
people can see the change.
If you were to suddenly turn into
a pear tree,
someone would come over and find out
if you really were a pear tree.

They would do that by trying to see
if you had any pears!

You and I as Christians and
children of God will be apparent
to each other and the rest of the world
by the fruit that we bear.

Some of that fruit can, and should,
include the miraculous.
The pear does not make the tree
you can be a pear tree without any pears
but what good is a pear tree if it has no fruit?

This is the day that we celebrate

the Resurrection of our Lord,

Our Savior: Jesus Christ.

His death gave us salvation because

we should have died

but He took our place.

The power and the Authority

That God displayed

in the Resurrection of His Son

has been given to us for the

purpose of completing His will:

“…For God so loved the World,

That He gave His only begotten Son,

That whosoever believes in Him

shall not perish, but have eternal life”

(John 3:16)

I was listening to this pastor
who was telling about his little church.
He was saying they have a little sign
In front of their church
kind of like ours,
and as I understand it,
they put a little phrase on it

–again much like we do –

and that this little phrase
that they put on their little sign
got more of a reaction than any other.

This pastor was telling of how it seemed
that this little sign was starting to pull people
in off the street.

The little church decided maybe
they would put that phrase on the
tiny little yellow page ad
they had in the phone book.

When they did,
it seemed more people called
to find out about services.

Again, as I understand it,
the little phrase kind of
became their motto.

I don’t think it’s a bad one either.

The little phrase they

put on their little sign was:


No, I do not believe that we should

intentionally go about handling snakes

as a church so we can prove our faith.

I believe that we as a church have,

and should display the Power

and Authority of God when we are

going about the Work of God.

That we should expect it and act like it.

I pray that we all can continue

to get closer to our Lord

and the work that He has for all of us.

That we all would come to expect

and even become accustomed to all the

“fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit,

and that we would all count the

Signs and Wonders as only a part

of the Fruit we bear for the

Glory of the Lord.

May your Easter be Blessed!

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