Sunday, April 30, 2006

Just a thought or two

Just a couple of notes and an encouragement or two.
This is pretty much off the cuff and not the usual overly researched type of posting.
I again didn't want to go for too long without giving you something for your faithfulness in checking with this site.

First as this is Sunday, did you keep track of what scriptures were used in church today (if you went)?
Have you gone back and looked at those scriptures, reading the verses before and after whatever may have been mentioned in your services today?
Don't sweat it if you haven't because neither have I...yet.
I went to church and yes I very much trust the speaker but for my own sake I have made a note of those verses and very much plan on going over those for as much as possible for the next week.

This is the ultimate idea in my personal opinion.
This is part of the weekly service.
You and I spending the week going over God's word regarding what was taught and opening ourselves up to what the Lord may wish to add to our lives.
How much better is it to spend your free time considering the word than anything else?
We are supposed to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Learning to turn our every thought into open communication with God.
This type of considering of Gods word will certainly lead you too that.
It can't help itself it simply HAS to.

Second a reminder that when you read the scriptures to take them at face value first.
If you understand what the verses are saying the first time you read them, than the odds are that is in fact what they mean.
Having said that, often the scriptures will indeed have another more deeper meaning on top of it's surface meaning.
Sometimes this is metaphor or parable or allegory but it will not contradict itself.
There are many examples of this in both the Old and New Testaments.
My favorite is probably Passover and it's representation of Jesus and His sacrifice for us but of course it also a very accurate historical documentation of God's deliverance of the Jews from Egypt.
Works on many levels and none contradict the other.

There are other less obvious or even less certain examples as well.
In our Sunday school class this morning it was noted that when Jesus cursed the fig tree (Matthew 21:18), this may have also been a metaphor for Israel.
I can see where they were going with this and it certainly works.
This is where being able to mentally "put things on a shelf" can be very handy.
I know this idea of it being a metaphor works and can be true but the scriptures themselves do not actually say this that I am aware of.
It is possible that there may be scripture elsewhere that will better clarify this but until I find it, I will leave it in my mind as possible but not necessarily the truth.
Ultimately in this particular matter it makes very little difference either way so I don't have to worry or care too much about it.
We don't want to get into worrying and arguing over "words", the Scriptures themselves warn us against that as well (1st Timothy 6:4 and 2nd Timothy 2:14).

To recap, read the Bible as it is written in context first.
Then look for the metaphors and or deeper hidden meanings.
If the second contradicts the first than it probably isn't correct.
If the second further explains the first than you may very well be on the right track.
All of this may take some time to figure out so learn to put the uncertain things "on a shelf" until further evidence reveals itself to you.
Prayer and the Holy Spirit are your Keys to understanding the Word of God.

One last thing. I need a favor.
I tried putting a counter on this site but failed in that endeavor.
Perhaps another time.
I in fact may have to completely rebuild this site with a more current template in hopes of ridding myself of some computer bugs in the system. (personally I just believe its the "enemy" trying to prevent me posting but that could be vanity talking...;-)
Anyway, If you have read this, please leave a comment. You can choose to be anonymous and simply say "Praise God" or "Hi" even, I just need to get an idea of the possible numbers of visitors to this site. Thanks bunches and may the Lord indeed bless you and keep you and give you peace.


Joel Hayes said...

I don't know about anyone else but I read most of your posts and I think that they are pretty well written.
See ya,

Joel Hayes said...

Just to let ya know that I was looking to see if you posted any thing new. I check about once a week to see if you have any new posts, Maybe next week?