Sunday, April 30, 2006
Just a thought or two
This is pretty much off the cuff and not the usual overly researched type of posting.
I again didn't want to go for too long without giving you something for your faithfulness in checking with this site.
First as this is Sunday, did you keep track of what scriptures were used in church today (if you went)?
Have you gone back and looked at those scriptures, reading the verses before and after whatever may have been mentioned in your services today?
Don't sweat it if you haven't because neither have I...yet.
I went to church and yes I very much trust the speaker but for my own sake I have made a note of those verses and very much plan on going over those for as much as possible for the next week.
This is the ultimate idea in my personal opinion.
This is part of the weekly service.
You and I spending the week going over God's word regarding what was taught and opening ourselves up to what the Lord may wish to add to our lives.
How much better is it to spend your free time considering the word than anything else?
We are supposed to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Learning to turn our every thought into open communication with God.
This type of considering of Gods word will certainly lead you too that.
It can't help itself it simply HAS to.
Second a reminder that when you read the scriptures to take them at face value first.
If you understand what the verses are saying the first time you read them, than the odds are that is in fact what they mean.
Having said that, often the scriptures will indeed have another more deeper meaning on top of it's surface meaning.
Sometimes this is metaphor or parable or allegory but it will not contradict itself.
There are many examples of this in both the Old and New Testaments.
My favorite is probably Passover and it's representation of Jesus and His sacrifice for us but of course it also a very accurate historical documentation of God's deliverance of the Jews from Egypt.
Works on many levels and none contradict the other.
There are other less obvious or even less certain examples as well.
In our Sunday school class this morning it was noted that when Jesus cursed the fig tree (Matthew 21:18), this may have also been a metaphor for Israel.
I can see where they were going with this and it certainly works.
This is where being able to mentally "put things on a shelf" can be very handy.
I know this idea of it being a metaphor works and can be true but the scriptures themselves do not actually say this that I am aware of.
It is possible that there may be scripture elsewhere that will better clarify this but until I find it, I will leave it in my mind as possible but not necessarily the truth.
Ultimately in this particular matter it makes very little difference either way so I don't have to worry or care too much about it.
We don't want to get into worrying and arguing over "words", the Scriptures themselves warn us against that as well (1st Timothy 6:4 and 2nd Timothy 2:14).
To recap, read the Bible as it is written in context first.
Then look for the metaphors and or deeper hidden meanings.
If the second contradicts the first than it probably isn't correct.
If the second further explains the first than you may very well be on the right track.
All of this may take some time to figure out so learn to put the uncertain things "on a shelf" until further evidence reveals itself to you.
Prayer and the Holy Spirit are your Keys to understanding the Word of God.
One last thing. I need a favor.
I tried putting a counter on this site but failed in that endeavor.
Perhaps another time.
I in fact may have to completely rebuild this site with a more current template in hopes of ridding myself of some computer bugs in the system. (personally I just believe its the "enemy" trying to prevent me posting but that could be vanity talking...;-)
Anyway, If you have read this, please leave a comment. You can choose to be anonymous and simply say "Praise God" or "Hi" even, I just need to get an idea of the possible numbers of visitors to this site. Thanks bunches and may the Lord indeed bless you and keep you and give you peace.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Part 4! Blessed Easter!
Part 4
When you become a Christian,
people can see the change.
If you were to suddenly turn into
a pear tree,
someone would come over and find out
if you really were a pear tree.
They would do that by trying to see
if you had any pears!
You and I as Christians and
children of God will be apparent
to each other and the rest of the world
by the fruit that we bear.
Some of that fruit can, and should,
include the miraculous.
The pear does not make the tree
you can be a pear tree without any pears
but what good is a pear tree if it has no fruit?
This is the day that we celebrate
the Resurrection of our Lord,
Our Savior: Jesus Christ.
His death gave us salvation because
we should have died
but He took our place.
The power and the Authority
That God displayed
in the Resurrection of His Son
has been given to us
purpose of completing His will:
“…For God so loved the World,
That He gave His only begotten Son,
That whosoever believes in Him
shall not perish,
(John 3:16)
I was listening to this pastor
who was telling about his little church.
He was saying they have a little sign
In front of their church
kind of like ours,
and as I understand it,
they put a little phrase on it
–again much like we do –
and that this little phrase
that they put on their little sign
got more of a reaction than any other.
This pastor was telling of how it seemed
that this little sign was starting to pull people
in off the street.
The little church decided maybe
they would put that phrase on the
tiny little yellow page ad
they had in the phone book.
When they did,
it seemed more people called
to find out about services.
Again, as I understand it,
the little phrase kind of
became their motto.
I don’t think it’s a bad one either.
The little phrase they
put on their little sign was:
No, I do not believe that we should
intentionally go about handling snakes
as a church so we can prove our faith.
I believe that we as a church have,
and should display the
and Authority of God
going about the Work of God.
That we should expect it and act like it.
I pray that we all can continue
to get closer to our Lord
and the work that He has for all of us.
That we all would come to expect
and even become accustomed to all the
“fruits and Gifts of the Holy Spirit,
and that we would all count the
Signs and Wonders as only a part
of the Fruit we bear for the
Glory of the Lord.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Part 3!
For Bible in Context April 2006 part 3
This is where those “Snake Handler”
churches get it right
and where you and I get it wrong:
We have this guy at the factory where I work;
you should see him!
He walks around the place like he runs it…
That’s because he does!
When you have authority you act like it.
We have authority from God but
we act like we don’t believe it.
When my boss at work asks for something
to be done, he expects that it will be done.
When we ask for something to be done,
do we act as though we expect it to be done?
These “Snake Handler” churches are taking
Jesus at His Word and expect that they will
not be harmed.
even know Him
for wouldn't they realize that they
were putting “God to the test”?
They have “put the cart before the horse”
so to speak.
We can handle vipers and drink poisons
without being harmed –
when we are in performance of the job
He asked us to do.
Handling vipers and drinking poisons is NOT
– I repeat- is NOT “the job” that He asked us to do!
Telling the World how to attain Salvation
through Grace, by Faith in Jesus Christ is.
Showing the World how we can have a real
relationship with
through the Son and The Holy Spirit
is the mission we are all supposed to be on.
If that is the mission we are really on,
then the “signs” and “wonders” will happen
as a natural by-product of doing the Lords work
–as the Holy Spirit Leads.
I can play a recording of the sounds of meat sizzling
on a grill and even spray some scent into the air
that will smell like steak and proclaim that
I am making you hungry so you will
go find some steak for yourself,
but that isn’t what we’re supposed to do.
If we cook a real steak on a grill for the purpose
of serving it to someone who is hungry or in need,
the smell and the sounds will certainly make it appetizing
but that is the natural by-product of serving a meal.
It isn’t the reason for the meal.
The reason is to feed those who need to be fed.
In the same way the signs and wonders
–snakes and serpents-
are not the main point they are simply "by-products"
that sometimes can happen when you are trying
to feed the world “The Love of Jesus.”
(The end of part 3. Even more to come!)
Monday, April 10, 2006
Bible in Context April 2006
Part 2:
When we became believers we:
repented of our sins,
we asked Jesus to come into our lives
and to become our master and Lord,
and then He said:
And as a special bonus I’ll also
be your friend, your confidant,
and your protector.”
When we became “believers” we said
“I will trust You and try to obey You
(because we knew we would probably
blow that one a time or two)”
and He said:
“I will save you from eternal damnation,
and I will save you from yourself”
We call Jesus our Savior yet,
we seem to have a difficult time accepting
that when He asks us to do something,
He will give us all we need to do it.
If you would, please turn in your Bible
to the book of Acts chapter 28 verses
1 through 10.
Paul is a prisoner on a ship bound
for Rome. God has told him that he
must stand before Caesar but first
there’s going to be this little shipwreck…
These verses start out just after
everyone gets to shore…
Acts 28:1-10
Safe at Malta
1When they had been brought safely
through, then we found out that
the island was called Malta.
2The natives showed us extraordinary
kindness; for because of the rain that
had set in and because of the cold,
they kindled a fire
and received us all.
3But when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks
and laid them on the fire, a viper came out
because of the heat and fastened itself on his hand.
4When the natives saw the creature hanging from his hand,
they began saying to one another, “Undoubtedly this man is a murderer, and though he has been saved from the sea, justice has not allowed him to live.” 5However he shook the creature off into the fire and suffered no harm. 6But they were expecting that he was about to swell up or suddenly fall down dead. But after they had waited a long time and had seen nothing unusual happen to him, they changed their minds and began to say that he was a god.
7Now in the neighborhood of that place were lands belonging to the leading man of the island, named Publius, who welcomed us and entertained us courteously three days. 8And it happened that the father of Publius was lying in bed afflicted with recurrent fever and dysentery; and Paul went in to see him and after he had prayed, he laid his hands on him and healed him. 9After this had happened, the rest of the people on the island who had diseases were coming to him and getting cured. 10They also honored us with many marks of respect; and when we were setting sail, they supplied us with all we needed.”
Paul is going about his Masters business!
When you’re doing what God wants you to do, then there isn’t anything that can get in your way – except us.
That’s what’s so great about the “Great Commission”.
Jesus has commissioned us to spread the gospel. When He did that He gave us His Authority to do it!
Think about it! When you and I are doing the job that He gave us to do, we have the Authority and Power of God to do that job!
( end part 2. Still more to come!)
Thursday, April 06, 2006
In Time For Easter
For Bible in Context April 2006 Part one
With Easter on it’s way I decided to pull up my notes from a sermon dated:
Easter Sunday 03/31/02
I have separated this into four sections and will post them separately, hopefully ending with the last part on Easter if the Lord is willing.
Please remember that even though I have gone over these to check for continuity, they are still none-the-less just “notes”.
Mark 16:14-20:
“ 14Afterward He appeared to the eleven themselves as they were reclining at the table; and He reproached them for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they had not believed those who had seen Him after He had risen. 15And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16“He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. 17“These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; 18they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
19So then, when the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. 20£And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them, and confirmed the word by the signs that followed.”
You might find it interesting to know that there are actually quite a few churches whose whole service is based on these verses. Many will actually bring in a box of poisonous snakes for the “faithful” to handle.
I have even heard of churches that have built in “snake pits”! Doesn’t that sound like fun?
I still find it hard to believe that there are so many churches and so many people that do this sort of thing.
As for myself there are only two kinds of snakes I don’t like:
Live ones, and Dead ones…
The rest don’t bother me….
Now do you want to hear something really scary? I don’t think these churches are all that wrong!
(Please hear me out before you label me a nutcase and a heretic)
I actually believe that all churches should be based on these verses.
I believe that you and I can and should handle vipers and drink poisons all without being harmed.
I think these things should be signs of our salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord!
I just don’t believe we should “put the Lord our God to the test”
(Mathew 4:7: 7Jesus said to him, “On the other hand, it is written, ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’”)
That is where these churches go wrong. It is a very dangerous thing when you don’t take the time to get to know God.
It’s all right there! From the very beginning, God has made a point to make sure that the “Word of God” was available to us.
If you want to get to know God all you have to do is
– the same thing you do with anyone else –
Spend Time With Him.
Read His Word and “pray without ceasing”.
These “Snake handler” churches have latched onto a few verses and taken them out of context.
It actually is an understandable mistake; it’s not out of context for the verses around it, or even the chapter, it’s out of context for the whole book!
It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so terribly sad.
This is the “Great Commission”(Mark 16) Jesus Christ our Redeemer, Our Savior, has risen from the dead!
It was His Death that gave us Salvation.
It was His resurrection that gave us power!
And with “Power” we’re to go to all of the world and preach the Gospel of Jesus.
When God sends you on a mission He gives you all you need to complete that mission!
That includes His Authority and His Power!
All of His creation knows that! - except Mankind- we’re the only part of creation that has a hard time accepting that He is The Supreme Ruler and what He wants He gets!
You’ll have to forgive us (mankind) we’re a little slow….
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!
If you benefit at all from this site then Please keep me in your prayers so that I may continue.
May The Lord Bless You and Keep You and Give You Peace!