Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Replies, replies and Mission Statement!

It's funny and ironic how the internet has allowed me to be more in contact with my friends than ever before. Ironic because email is just faster Mail but I hardly ever wrote a letter or sent a picture before I got "On Line". I have several phones both cell and landline with almost all the numbers for all my long distance friends but we seem never able to "catch" each other home. I think in my case I was probably "on-line" with my "Dial-up" too much for anyone to get through. One of my "best buds" growing up now has traded "phone tag" for "comment tag"!
As you know, I love getting comments. The more thought provoking they are the better I like it!. Of course I am trying to stay on track with my plans for this site but I don't mind a little side trip from time to time. I also don't mind going over things again to help make things more clear. I know that sometimes my ability to communicate my thoughts isn't even close to what I would like.

You will find in the comments area on my last post some comment trading between myself and my buddy Joel. He shares a "blog" with his brother Pete called "The First Cause". You can find it at:

It is a terrific site and I highly recommend it. It brought to light that perhaps I'm not too clear with my mission statement here and that I should try to restate it more clearly. It also got me thinking on the differences and the similarities between the "Immature" and the "Mature" Christian.

There are two main purposes I have for starting this site. One much more important than the other. The first as an instructional on the proper way with which to read the scriptures. To take away some of the intimidation that some people have of the scriptures. My hope is to help bring the wonders of daily study to those who for whatever reasons have been doing without. My second reason is that it gave me something to do with all these old sermons I have lying around!

At first I would have said that this site was originally intended for the New and immature Christian. Then I realized that you can be a Christian for a very long time and still be immature. This is part of what my friend Joel touches on in his comments. I have taken that thought even further though.

All Christians no matter how "mature" they may be, have areas that they are ... well, not so "mature" in. So for them as well, they need to go back to the basics. We shouldn't stay on "milk" forever but neither should we jump to eating meat before we have the proverbial "teeth" with which to chew it. Even then, Spritually and physically it is still a good idea to have a glass of milk handy when feasting on Ribeye.

There are in truth several different ways to read the Bible that are acceptable considering their purposes. I have mentioned before that which "version" of the Bible I use depends on my purposes. For some "New" Christians I have recommended the "Living" Bible but with this admonition: Just Read It. Read it like a Novel. Don't go looking for secrets or code or magic. Just read it and gain the overall "Feeling" of the Word of God. Open yourself to a better understanding of the Nature of God The Father; of Jesus His Son, and of His Holy Spirit.

My main purpose for this is to start them on a habit of looking to the word. When they are ready for better understanding and open to an active application of scripture to their life, then the nature of the individual will often play a role in which "version" I recommend.
Feel free to choose your own. My two favorites are the New American Standard and the New King James but as I have stated before I have something over 20 different translations or interpretations of Scripture and I use most of them.
For basic study any of the "Best Selling" versions will do.

By the time you are ready for serious-in-depth study you will yourself have chosen what works best for you and will also realize that in truth, it really is helpful to have several versions to compare with so that you can gain a "fuller" understanding of what is being said. Using different versions at once is kind of like using a thesaurus. It isn't always necessary but sometimes it can sure be helpful.

When reading the scriptures take everything at face value and don't go looking for the Hidden Things until you have a good understanding of what is being said on the "surface".
The Bible often works in layers. There is basic truth in what is said openly and plainly while there is more truth hidden underneath. Don't go looking for the hidden until you understand what is in the open.
For example: If you read the old testament and the stories concerning the Israelites, on the surface it reads like a history book with some strange rituals and festivals thrown in. When you have read all of that and then also read the Gospels and the Life of Jesus you see all the ways that those stories written thousands of years before the Gospels all point to Jesus.
When you read about the "Passover" and the sacrifice of the lamb it is important to see and to know that every little detail had to be taken care of and fulfilled for the Israelites to be saved from the coming wrath of God. Then you can realize how God and His Son Jesus also took great care to take care of all the details so that Jesus could be the "Lamb" that provides us with salvation.

The point here is that the stories are a factual "History" and they have morals and truths that we can learn all right there on the surface. When we have those basics down, we can go back and start to see the deeper hidden truths that provide us with the "meat" that we need and yet take nothing away from the goodness of the "Milk" it first provided us with.

My goal is to take us to the meat but not before we have the teeth to chew it. From time to time there will be those situations such as we have had in the past where I may have to take a little side trip, and for the "Meat Eaters" sake, go a little deep. I am just not in too big a hurry to do that because I want to make sure I'm not "Biting off more than I can chew". (sorry, I couldn't resist that one!)

The Bible warns about leading anyone astray and I don't want to let my good intentions lead us to destruction so, I think I will let "...The Holy Spirit in that day tell (me) what to say..."
Numbers 6:24

1 comment:

Joel Hayes said...

GREAT!! GREAT POST! yep brings a smile to my face. After all these years and I don't think we have changed a bit. I don't know if you read my last post but I have done the same thing that you are intending with this blog. Pete's been writing about more serious things and so I felt that I needed to supply a glass of milk with his plate of thought. I also want to reach out to the lost from time to time.
keep up the writing bro. It's fun to read.